Farmer's Markets
The benefits of buying locally grown produce. By Patty Hutchens.
With spring right around the corner, many are full of anticipation for the opening of the local Farmers’ Markets. Here are just some of the reasons why.
Taste and nutrition. Because locally grown food does not have to travel far, it reduces carbon dioxide emissions as well as packing materials, which in turn makes for more nutritious and flavorful food.
Supporting your local farmers. By supporting your local farmers, you are not only getting fresh food, but also contributing to the livelihood of the local farming industry.
Preserving our land. By purchasing locally grown food, you are doing much to preserve the future of the agricultural landscape.
Protecting your family’s health. Local farmers can offer produce varieties bred for taste and freshness rather than for shipping and long shelf life.
Visit your local Farmers’ Market this spring! The benefits extend far beyond the tastiness of fresh food!