Maintain a Healthy Body
For many, summer is a time to take a break, relax, enjoy recreation and maybe work less and take a step back from routines. All of this can be healthy and rejuvenating; however taking a break from healthy and productive living can be harmful and detrimental for mental and physical well-being and fitness. This is true not only for adults but especially for young students who are off for the summer and out of their routine and schedules. Some may find themselves not exercising at all, or to the other extreme of exercising too much in preparation for a school sport.
Young athletes must practice proper nutrition as well as proper body conditioning in an effort to prevent injuries and achieve optimum physical and mental performance. Dr. Timothy Ray, a member of the American Chiropractic Association’s Council on Sports Injuries and Physical Fitness, explains. “The majority, if not all, of sports are good provided that the child prepares appropriately. Without proper preparation, playing any sport can turn into a bad experience. There are structural and physical developmental issues that need to be taken into consideration before children undertake certain sports.”
Both parents and young athletes need to be aware of ways to protect themselves from sports related injuries. These include proper warm up as well as stretching and strength training. It is helpful to begin with a slow jog before doing a sports specific warm up as well as stretching all the major muscle groups.
Following are some things to consider:
Sports equipment should fit properly and not be damaged. This includes helmets, shoes, and pads.
Eat healthy meals and do not skip meals- avoid high fat and fast foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition and calorie intake.
Hydration is crucial and teenage athletes should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
Drinking milk (one per cent or skim) is essential for healthy bones and can reduce the risk of joint and muscle related injuries.
Sports drinks are a good choice. Avoid sugar-loaded, caffeinated or carbonated drinks.
Include a routine of pre and post-game warm up and stretching.
Trendy supplements are not recommended. A daily multivitamin and vitamin C are approved.
Eight hours of sleep is essential for alertness and focus.
Even with all the above helpful and healthy choices, injuries do occur and will need to be treated. Chiropractic care is very beneficial for sports injuries because much of a chiropractor’s education includes hours of study in the expertise of nutrition, weight management, exercise, spinal realignment, massage, and preventative care. Chiropractors are wellness oriented and their practice optimizes spinal alignment so that your brain, nervous systems and bodily systems work together in unison.
Athletes, no matter what their level, want to perform as well as enjoy themselves. Chiropractic helps to ensure maximum range of motion and proper spinal alignment; traits that will translate into more power, better range and accuracy. More importantly, chiropractic can help reduce the chance of injury when included as part of a regular wellness regimen.
Go have fun and enjoy the summer!