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“Ancient Health Remedy Reborn in Local Market” By Sarah Polyakov.

There is a lot more to silver than meets the eye. Silver is more than just a beautiful metal that we have formed, for many centuries, into jewelry and coins. In fact, many different cultures have used silver as a wound dressing and to combat infections for thousands of years.

Ancient Egyptians believed the bones of their gods were made of silver and it was a precious metal to the royal dynasties. In ancient Greece and Rome silver was used to disinfect food and water supplies. Silver was used in India in Ayurveda as a tonic and rejuvenating agent for patients who were debilitated by age or disease.

In more recent times, royalty consumed their food on plates made of silver and from silver utensils. They instinctively knew silver protected them from disease. In the great dynasties of China, the emperors always used chopsticks fashioned of silver. During the Middle Ages, silver actually prevented those who wore it from contracting the black plague.

Indeed, silver has been a powerful antibiotic throughout the ages. As early as the nineteenth century, silver was scientifically proven to possess powerful medicinal qualities. Thus, it was used as an antibiotic, an anti-fungal, and cold remedy. The FDA approved it in 1920 since its properties were proved to have these medicinal qualities. Most recently, silver has been used on a large scale to effectively purify water sources that supply villages across Europe.

Within naturopathic medicine, silver is frequently used to fight fungal infections, to heal burns, wounds, cuts, rashes, and sunburns. Silver can also be used to sterilize many things in your home such as air conditioning ducts.

Now you too can easily get the health benefits of silver by drinking our crisp, clean, and pure SilverWater™ beverage. SilverWater™ is the first and only functional water enhanced with the purifying power of silver ions. The Silver ion is the most potent and available form of silver and is known to deliver some serious benefits to your immune system and overall health.

With its clean, crisp taste, each bottle of SilverWater™ contains approximately 15,000 silver ions which pass safely through your body as they deliver an all-natural immune boost. As a supplement to your daily hydration regime, SilverWater™ can also be used for extreme purification at the cellular level within your body. SilverWater™ was designed to give people at any age easy access to a powerful and all-natural health defense.

The concept of SilverWater™ has not gone unrecognized and this beverage quickly gained recognition on the world stage placing as a finalist in the best still or sparkling water category at the 2013 Beverage Innovation Awards in Munch, Germany.

Jesse Miller, the Founder and CEO of SilverWater, who was born and raised in the Gig Harbor area, invites you to try SilverWater™ for yourself so that you too can benefit from the tremendous healing power of this precious metal.

SilverWater™ can be purchased locally at Harbor Greens Market and online at We invite you to pick up a bottle of SilverWater™ so that you may also enjoy its refreshing taste as well as its tremendous health benefits.

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