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Remodeling A Bath

Reflect your unique lifestyle by understanding the details that matter. By Sarah Polyakov.

There is an old adage that says, “Home is where the heart is”. This adage has staying power because it is absolutely true. Our homes are merely more than a place where we merely find shelter. While we do find shelter, they are so much more than that and they reflect the lifestyle, the tastes, and the memories made within a family. A comfortable home reflects the heart and minds of the families who live there. Your home should always be a place that mirrors who you are and the uniqueness that only you can give it also gives your house meaning.

But, there are also the small details within a home that make huge difference for the inhabitants. For example, lets consider the matter of bathtubs. Nowadays, when one thinks of a bathtub, there is no longer just one quintessential bathtub. There are fiberglass bathtubs sold at big box home stores, there are shallow garden tubs, there are two person soaker tubs, there are extra deep custom bathtubs, long bathtubs, round bathtubs, bathtubs with jets and aeration.

With all this selection, there is bound to be a perfect bathtub for every person. But, more importantly, it is amazing how a simple bathtub can make a difference. For example, in our first home, we had a narrow fiberglass tub that was six-feet long but very shallow. Even though it looked nice, it did not allow for maximum relaxation.

In our second home, which was an older custom home built in the 1970’s, the bathtub was a traditional Japanese Ofuro. This two-person tub was oval-shaped, extra deep, and it had two bench seats at the bottom. We soon found that after a long stressful day, or when experiencing muscle pains, filling the Ofuro to the top and taking a long soak literally solved all the problems in our world. There was no way to leave that bathtub feeling less than fantastic.

This experience was an enormous lesson to me that demonstrated the small details in the home make a tremendous difference in one’s life. Now, when I think of bathtubs, I understand that each type delivers a different level of relaxation. Because of that, I do not ever want to have a standard bathtub again.

Of course, last year we moved into our third home and this one had a typical American soaker tub. I have used it all of once because it does not deliver even a fraction of the experience that the Ofuro delivered. Though it is beautiful to look at, it gathers dust.

Since my husband and I find remodeling projects so fun and rewarding, we will be doing a master bath remodel because we miss our Japanese Ofuro tub. Fortunately, we have found that there is a tremendous amount of talented builders right here in Gig Harbor who genuinely care about helping their customers live well! Because of the personalized customer service and excellent craftsmanship they provide, we have decided that a bathroom remodel is in our near future. After all, what better path to happiness than having your home remodeled in a way that reflects your needs?

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