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Snowbird Preparation

Preparing Your Home for the Winter. By Sarah Friesen

Every fall, snowbirds prepare to pack up and head south for the winter. Although they leave their homes in tip-top shape and with the best intentions, they are often unpleasantly surprised after their return. Sometimes they discover just how much can go wrong inside their home where no one can see what’s happening.

But, even informed snowbirds with the best of intentions may not be aware of all that can go wrong while they are away. In these cases, it is not even random home break-ins that can cause the most damage. Sometimes, the most damage can be caused by even the most well-intentioned motives.

“I’ll just turn off the water heater...”

Did you know that turning off your water heater has the potential to void its warranty?

“I’ll just turn the temperature on the water heater down...”

Did you know that a cold water heater can interfere with water softener systems, and lead to speedy corrosion and spring a leak overnight?

“The house is clean enough for while we’re gone...”

Did you know that sugar ants can literally explode in a feeding frenzy when unchecked and they are one of the hardest infestations to eliminate?

“The security guards will walk around the exterior every day...”

Did you know that a running toilet can waste up to 4,000 gallons per day and end up costing homeowners thousands of dollars in water bills if no one is inside to hear it?

Even if you are aware of all of the above, there are always things that can happen that one might not prepare for, such as a branch falling onto the roof and causing damage during a winter windstorm. Unless someone were to be aware, damage to the roof and subsequently the home inside could go unchecked for months.

Then, there are issues that are hardly noticeable to even neighbors-- issues such as rats, mice, or raccoons using your home for shelter while you are gone. Once they move in, they often inhabit the walls and chew wiring, which can cause electrical fires.

Inside your home there’s potential for a variety of issues with pests, water systems, pipes, and furnaces that stop working during freezing spells. A growing number of local residents are seeing the value in hiring a professional for home watch visits, which ensures the safekeeping of their home in Gig Harbor during the winter.

Don’t let the thermostat, the water-heater, or the runny toilet spoil your well-deserved time away. You too can gain this same peace of mind by hiring an experienced and professional home manager to regularly inspect the inside of your home with pre-scheduled visits. That way, you can be one of the snowbirds that is able to put your mind at ease, once and for all, and enjoy a carefree winter in sunny climes.

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