Oh, My Aching Back!
Surgery doesn’t have to be the solution. By Susan Hoffman
“Oh, my aching back!” How often do we hear this complaint from people of all ages? This familiar comment can be due to some minor and even temporary situations like lifting heavy boxes during a move or from bending over while weeding the garden. On the other hand, some back complaints might be due to more serious conditions.
There are many causes of common back pain and fortunately some are temporary. For example, injuries could include sprains of soft tissues such as ligaments and muscles, fractures, or compression fractures of bones. This can occur while playing a contact sport or because of an injury sustained during a fall. In most cases, healing can occur with rest and restricted movement.
Still, conditions such as osteoarthritis often occur as people age. This is a condition where the cushions between the discs become less flexible and the joints in the spine become stiff and sore. This can happen to other joints like the hips, which can in turn affect someone’s gait and cause back pain. Maintaining a healthy weight is important in avoiding osteoarthritis because extra weight can cause more pressure on the spine.
Bad posture can also lead to back pain because the muscles and ligaments must work harder to maintain a balanced body. Even stress and anxiety can result in backaches since the body automatically responds to the tension in the back.
Then there are more serious causes of back pain such as herniated or slipped discs. These conditions cause pain because of pinched nerves in the spinal cord. Herniated discs are conditions usually diagnosed via an x-ray. Fortunately, the pain is usually relieved through an exercise regime or through anti-inflammatory medication.
As most of us can attest, back pain can be debilitating and it prevents us from enjoying the daily activities that give us pleasure. It can be even more troublesome when it interrupts our sleep. Back pain may appear suddenly or can occur more slowly due to some of the reasons above. The important thing is to do something about it by seeking proper treatment.
One of the most exciting forms of non-surgical treatment for back pain is called flexion-distraction. “Flexion-Distraction, (F/D) is a gentle, chiropractic treatment procedure utilized for back and neck pain. Flexion-Distraction is a safe alternative to back surgery for those 95% of patients whose conditions do not demand surgical intervention” (Source drwrightdc.com).
Flexion-distraction is used primarily for disc related issues by placing the spinal joints into a normal and painless movement that restores spinal motion. This type of therapy also reduces stress on discs and helps spinal nerves function optimally.
Of course, for anyone suffering back pain, it is important to be under the care of a physician. But if back surgery is prescribed, it might be best to consider flexion-distraction therapy as an alternative to surgery. The ultimate goal is to maintain well being by living a healthy and pain-free life. So, the next time your back is getting you down, be sure to ask your chiropractor about all the options available to you.