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No Cleats? No Problem!


Whether it is sports, music or theater, extracurricular activities during the high school years make up memories that last a lifetime. For many teenagers, this is the time in their lives when they also form many lifelong friendships. And it’s not just athletic talent they learn; they also develop life skills such as sportsmanship and what it means to work hard to achieve a goal.

But sadly, not every child feels he or she is able to participate in these activities. New cleats, rental of an instrument or even a basketball for practice at home can be financially prohibitive for some students and their families. Thankfully, for students at Edmonds-Woodway High School the Booster Club is taking steps to ensure that no teenager is left standing on the sidelines.

While the Booster Club is often seen as a fundraising entity, the truth is they do much more. According to co-chair Beckie Peterson, the rapidly growing group does a great deal of things behind the scenes. “By design, we like to also do the quiet and discreet things to take care of our students’ needs,” said Peterson.

The current goal of the Booster Club is to spread the word of the important role they play in the lives of Edmonds-Woodway families, hoping to reach the families who need their help most.

“There is a fear that kids are self-eliminating themselves from participating in activities due to the cost,” explained Beckie. While coaches may be aware of their current team’s needs, it is the hope of Booster Club that they can get information to the children who may not even sign up due to cost. It is hard to identify exactly who those children are, but it is the goal of the club to inform the public that there is help available.

Those in the Booster Club are working to create a sense of community among the high school families. And they’ve been successful. With a past active membership of only 20 to 25 people, that number has recently grown to over 300. “Everybody has a role to play,” said Peterson emphasizing that people can participate at whatever level and in whatever capacity they are most comfortable.

To further its goal of meeting the needs of as many families as possible, the Booster Club will host a dinner and auction on Saturday, March 21st at the Lynnwood Convention Center. There is a silent auction beginning at 6pm and dinner and live auction from 7:30pm to 9pm. This is the Booster Club’s only major fundraiser this year. For tickets and more information go to

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