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The Golden Rule of Downsizing

The Golden Rule of Downsizing

When I approach an organizing project, I like to keep a goal in mind. The goal is usually something the client and I work out together. Then, as we work on decluttering, I ask questions of myself and my client to help them reach that goal.

The same applies to downsizing. When I approach a downsizing project, I like to keep this one goal in mind.

Take with you what you need and use, what is beautiful and what will fit well.

Evaluate each thing using that rule to help yourself sort through your belongings.

What you need

Begin by establishing need. Some items in your home you require to get through daily life. Do you brush your teeth every night? Then you need your toothbrush. Is your job hard on your clothes? Then you need that extra pack of socks.

However, you don't need lots of extra toothbrushes. You only have one set of teeth, and a person typically uses only one at a time for household cleaning. If you have a pile of old toothbrushes under the sink, get rid of all but one that you'll use for cleaning.

What you use

This connects closely to what you need. Obviously, you need what you use.

As you sort through things, try to remember the last time you used an item. If you can't remember, it might be time for that item to go. It doesn't necessarily need to move with you as you downsize.

What is beautiful

Some things don't fall into the need or use categories when it comes to downsizing. What other qualification should you consider? Beauty.

This is important because a few items in your home aren't technically needed—say that cloisonné vase that you use only in the spring—but they hold value as items of beauty. As you move or downsize, you don't want to eliminate loveliness from your home.

Consider the space you're moving into. What artwork will fit on the walls? Will you have a place to display (or perhaps store) that vase? Is something particularly special to you because of its beauty? Consider if you can accommodate an item because of its charm.

What will fit well?

This final evaluation tool takes into account your future space. When downsizing, you should consider where you're going and if you'll be able to accommodate all the items you hoped to keep.

One good way to consider this factor is by consulting an interior designer. He or she can help you imagine the new space with your items in it. Then you'll have a better idea of what you can take with you. Remember that you can "shop" in your home for items that will fit your new domain. Repurposing items from one room in another can help you hold on to things you might not want to part with.

As you downsize, remember this golden rule. Blessings on your endeavor!

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