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The Danger Zones


Warm weather or travel aren’t the only ways to become a victim of intestinal distress — just ask any victim of food poisoning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 48 million foodborne illnesses occur annually; 128,000 people are hospitalized, and 3,000 people die after eating contaminated food. All activities involving food are potential intestinal health saboteurs because when not adequately refrigerated or cooked, bacteria forms quickly — even on leftovers at home.

Avoid “Danger Zones”

Bacteria multiply rapidly between 40 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (all temperatures noted are Fahrenheit). Keep food out of the danger zone by maintaining hot food hot and cold food cold. Below are some guidelines to follow:

• Cook food to 160 degrees (145 degrees for roasts, steaks, beef, veal and lamb chops).

• Refrigerate food at 40 degrees or below.

• Freeze food at 0 degrees or below.

• Keep HOT cooked food at 140 degrees.

• Reheat cooked food at 165 degrees.

• Important: Refrigerate or freeze leftovers immediately after preparation — separate large amounts into small, shallow containers for quicker cooling.

• Always marinate food in the refrigerator.

• Never defrost food at room temperature — defrost in the refrigerator.

• Don’t overstuff the refrigerator – cold air MUST be able to circulate to keep food safe.

• Your refrigerator should be kept between 35 degrees and 40 degrees to prevent foodborne bacteria.

• Always keep food preparation separate AND disinfect all cutting surfaces, sponges and utensils using a solution of 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide or unscented bleach for every two quarts of HOT water. Soak for a minimum of 15 minutes and rinse well. I only use non-porous boards and labeled mine: “meat”, “veggie”, “poultry and fish.” You can use the same solution with cold water for washing fruits and vegetables before cooking.

The following steps I’ve used and recommended to clients for over 30 years with great success.

• At the first sign of digestive distress (food poisoning, diarrhea, nausea, sudden flu-like symptoms, etc.) immediately take 1 tablespoon of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. Using this food as medicine is effective because it quickly alkalizes the body, and bacteria cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Repeat every 15 minutes for at least three doses, until symptoms subside. The doses can be taken straight or in water. To sweeten, ONLY use a natural sweetener like Stevia, never sugar or artificial sweeteners.

• After taking the dose of cider vinegar, take a strong probiotic. Health-enhancing microorganisms help our body fight health-depleting “bugs” creating intestinal distress or worse. I use at least 100 billion per capsule for adults, 2 to 4 billion for children under age 12. Continue the probiotic for at least seven days.

• The USDA recommends washing your hands, including scrubbing under your nails, under hot water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds after handling raw food, using the restroom, blowing your nose, shaking hands, etc.

Dr. Gilbѐre is Founder/CEO Institute for Wholistic Rejuvenation, an acclaimed author of 18 books, syndicated talk-show host for 9 years, creator of eight post-graduate courses and author of 1,700+ health articles. She consults worldwide via telephone/Skype and in Gig Harbor. Visit: or call 888.352.8175.

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