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Shoulder Pain


Most of us have experienced shoulder pain at some point in our life, and many times the causes might be obvious — poor sleeping positions, heavy lifting, carrying backpacks or even lifting weights at the gym. Like most situations that involve an injury or chronic pain, the sooner it is treated the better chance you have at a full recovery.

When you go to your chiropractor for evaluation of shoulder pain, your entire musculoskeletal system will be examined to help determine if it is bone, arthritis or soft tissue related. The chiropractor may also make adjustments to the spine to confirm that nerves going to the shoulder are functioning correctly and that normal range of motion is restored.

Prior to your visit, you may have tried to relieve your discomfort with heat, ice and rest. But after your visit to your clinician, you will be provided with more treatments, which might include ultrasound as well as stretching and strengthening exercises. Other helpful options will be ensuring correct positioning while sleeping, proper ergonomic sitting at the computer, and appropriate carrying of heavy objects to minimize strain to the muscles and joints that are part of the shoulder complex.

Dr. Karen Erickson, a chiropractor, will at times order an x-ray or another diagnostic test, such as an EMG or an MRI, as a follow up to her examination. She explains that “In my practice we treat a lot of shoulder problems, and many of them are garden variety shoulder strains that respond well to conservative care. But I also manage patients that have severe shoulder injuries such as torn rotator cuffs, and in these cases I actually work with orthopedists who are shoulder specialists to co-manage these patients,” said Erickson. “These may be patients that don’t actually require surgery or aren’t surgical candidates for one reason or another. But the care I give them can really make them more comfortable and can manage their pain so that they can avoid surgery.”

This exemplifies the importance of a team approach where the chiropractor and the other clinicians work together. After all, a patient who receives the best care for each situation may be able to lessen their need for surgery. It will also maximize the healing process and restore the patient to a pain-free status with renewed full range of motion so they may function with normal daily activities.

Like with so many issues that involve the complaint of pain, it is important to seek care soon rather than wait or suffer. Any pain that persists beyond a few days deserves treatment. Before doing any self- treatments, a diagnosis is essential so an appropriate treatment plan can be designed for your condition. Most of us know that you might begin with rest, ice and anti- inflammatory medications to help relieve the pain. But in addition to the home therapies, seeking chiropractic care is an important step in preventing recurrent and chronic problems.

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