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Halloween Safety

What kid doesn’t love Halloween? It seems all children love the fun and magic associated with the holiday. But to ensure everyone has the best time possible, I have compiled some safety tips for kids and pets so that your family can have a spooktacular Halloween night. Halloween Safety for Walkers First of all, children under the age of 12 should not be alone at night without adult supervision. If kids are mature enough to be out without supervision, they should stick to familiar areas that are well lit and trick-or-treat in groups. Everyone should cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Put electronic devices down and keep heads up and walk, don’t run, across the street. Put reflective tape on costumes and provide children with glow sticks to carry. Teach children to make eye contact with drivers and to signal to them before crossing in front of them. Always walk on sidewalks or paths, and if there are no sidewalks, be sure to walk facing traffic. Ideally, children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings. Above all else, check to see if local businesses or community organizations are sponsoring trick or treating during the late afternoon so that kids can fill their bags safely and easily. Safety Tips for Pets Be sure to keep candy bowls that are filled with chocolate candies out of reach of Fido or Fluffy. Make sure wrappers are off the floor and also out of reach. Keep wires and cords well out of reach of pets since some dogs and cats are chewers by nature. Make sure that your pet is wearing very clear ID tags in case it darts outside when assisting trick or treaters. Better yet, contain your dog in a separate part of the house if you are handing out candy. Keep pets away from candles and lighted jack o’ lanterns. Oftentimes, small batteries power different Halloween items. Ensure that these batteries are out of reach of pets since they can be easily ingested. Most of all, don’t force a pet to wear a costume unless he loves it. The Power of Neighbors If you live in a neighborhood, hold a short meeting prior to Halloween and encourage all neighbors to actively watch for the safety of trick or treaters and to be mindful of any unusual activity in the neighborhood. Develop a plan of action both for keeping children safe as well as responding to unusual incidences. This is a great way to bond with neighbors while contributing to a safe experience for everyone.

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