Mindful Eating
Eating mindfully means to be 100 percent conscious and aware of the foods we’re eating and why. It’s about being present with our food. This can take a lifetime to learn and some of us may never get it. But, eating mindlessly can truly be detrimental to our physical and emotional health. Therefore, it’s vital, especially during the busy, stressful holiday season to attempt to pay more attention to what goes into our bodies simply for the sake of our health.
This is not a holiday diet plan; it will not deprive you of the things you truly enjoy every holiday season. It’s not meant to help you lose weight or to eat more healthfully this season. It approaches food in a more thoughtful manner, asking ourselves “why” we’re eating something in attempts to reduce dangerous emotional and overeating.
Eat off a plate
Every diet book says this, but there is so much truth to it! When we eat off a plate, we are tuned into the amounts of food we are consuming. Pacing around eating a little of this and a little of that can sneak in a whole meal’s worth of food! Whenever appetizers are out, pick up a plate, you’ll be surprised at how quickly it adds up!
Be strategic about where you stand at holiday gatherings. If you can’t control yourself around all the candied nuts, peanut brittle and cookies, don’t socialize near the dessert table. Instead, find a cozy place next to the fire or on the couch.
Be honest and true to yourself
Would you feel guilty if you threw away the ginger molasses cookies your great aunt went through all that trouble to make? Don’t! You owe it to yourself to respect what goes in your body and to eat only the things you love. Ask yourself, “Am I enjoying this?” If the answer is no or maybe, put the fork down. Save what you consider an “indulgence” to be truly satisfying to you.
Leave the grumbling at home
Don’t show up to a holiday party with a grumbling stomach. This sets us up to overeat by over-compensating for our hunger. Have a light snack just before you arrive and you’ll automatically eat less.
Be a role model
Let others learn from your mindful ways. We all have those people in our lives that want to feed us with love. If you’re not hungry or don’t desire something, firmly say “no thank you.” No one will disown you for being strong.
Choose one indulgence
Before heading to a get together, pinpoint one thing that you know will be there and that you really want. Desire makes it taste that much sweeter.
Listen to your body
If we pay attention to when we are hungry, or full, we tune into the “other” reasons we may be eating such as boredom or stress.
Always have a game plan
At the end of the day, the main thing you need is a game plan. Before every gathering, have an idea of what you’re planning on eating, drinking and how you’re going to say “no” if you have to. Make a plan to check-in with yourself from time to time and to feel good about your decisions.