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Star Wars Returns

“Hope is not lost today…it is found! Just let it in!”

“Star Wars – The Force Awakens” is J.J. Abrams and Walt Disney’s re-boot of one of the world’s most famous sci-fi action stories. Every fan on the planet is not only anticipating the return, but also guessing on what the probable story line will be and where the director and actors will take us this time.

“The Force Awakens” is the first sequel in a trilogy which will roll out every other year until its conclusion in 2018. The story line so far follows the adventures of the main characters: Luke, Leia, and Han Solo along with the support of friends Chewbacca, R2-D2, and 3CPO. The story is set 30 years after the events of the “Return of the Jedi.” You can find many more theories and possible location and character information throughout the Internet and of course either or

In 2012, The Walt Disney Company purchased the Star Wars franchise from creator George Lucas’ Lucas Film Studios. It was then that they decided to re-boot the franchise, full of toys, games and side films which will be shown in the years between the sequel trilogy films. So get set for Star Wars films and merchandise to fill many an upcoming holiday season until the end of the decade.

The town of Edmonds is fortunate enough to have the historic landmark and working Edmonds Theater, which opened in 1924 and has a rich history as an independent 1 – screen theater. The theater is located at 415 Main St. in Edmonds, just up from the ferry terminal.

Edmonds Theater manager Christopher Mayes stated that he has a number of unique events and creative interactions in the works, in order to make the most of this opportunity to show such an important film. He wants to make the December pre-opening on the 17th and the 18th, special dates which will be remembered hopefully as long as the movies will remain fan favorites.

Christopher Mayes is also working to generate support from the community and local business leaders to participate and make the days as special for all participating fans and community members as possible. He stated that the opening weekends showings are already 50 percent sold out. So, if you want to see the movie in one of the few single theater venues in the state and nation, now is the time to act and buy your tickets.

Mayes already expects long lines and costumed fans arriving early to get the best seats in the 240-seat, two-balcony theater. He is already planning methods of winding the lines safely away from traffic and also to prevent interference with local businesses in the area. He hopes to collaborate with those local businesses to plan activities as well as Star Wars surprises for the waiting fans.

In November the theater showed the latest James Bond Film “Spectre” and the blockbuster finale of the Hunger Games, “Mocking Jay – Part 2”. These films should generate similar followings with the “Hunger Games” finale being one of the year’s biggest ticket sellers. Activities and celebrations may also emerge for these serious fans as well.

In December, Mayes stated that The Edmonds Theater will be showing holiday related movies at show times desired by families and children on vacation during the first and second Friday. All of these events will be building interest for the finale of the holiday season and movie going year with “Star Wars.”

So don’t be the last one to get your tickets; plan your day taking in this historic trilogy and franchise re-boot.

Tickets for the shows are available through the onsite box office, the website:, and by phone at 425.778.4554.

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