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January 2016 Athletes of the Month: Kendall Le Compte and Ebrima Fatty

Kendall Le Compte

Senior Kendall Le Compte has been a team player most of her life, and it’s something that she would not trade for anything. A cheerleader for the past three years, Kendall previously competed in gymnastics for 10 years. “My favorite part about cheer is being on a team that supports the school. Growing up in gymnastics, being a team is all that I know,” shared the 17-year-old.

Her cheer team has competed and performed at state the past two years and placed third last year. But it is not just in cheerleading that Kendall excels, she also participates in National Honor Society and maintains a GPA of 3.7.

Kendall said she plans to attend a four-year university but is unsure if she will continue with cheer, but will consider it if the opportunity presents itself. As for a career path, Kendall said both business and education interest her.

Kendall shared that she struggled this year with a change of coaches, and it changed the dynamics of the team. “A lot of learning is involved, but it has turned out to be pretty fun. I love both coaches and do my best to support both of them,” said Kendall.

As she goes through life, Kendall said she will take with her an important lesson she has learned through both cheer and gymnastics. “I have learned how important it is to keep trying and giving all you've got, even when all else fails.”

Ebrima Fatty

Senior Ebrima Fatty gives much credit for his success to his coaches. “They have shaped who I am as a person and have helped me through so much in this sport,” said the wrestler. “The biggest lesson I learned from them is to compete with myself, don’t worry about other people and do things to the best of my ability.”

A former football and soccer player, Ebrima is currently focusing all of his efforts on wrestling. He placed seventh at the state tournament last year and is taking IB classes and is a member of the Black Student Union.

Ebrima said wherever he attends school he will pursue a degree in something related to law enforcement – possibly a criminal justice degree with the goal of becoming a lawyer.

He has yet to decide if he will continue to wrestle, but he has enjoyed the opportunity to do so in high school, especially the mental toughness and brotherhood that comes with being part of the team. “I love being around my teammates and the sport brings us so much closer. Some of my best friends wrestle with me and we go through the grind together,” he said.

As for winning state this year, he is working hard to achieve that. “I came into the wrestling program without much direction, and now I am chasing a goal that seemed like something impossible four years ago,” said Ebrima.

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