Edmonds In Focus
Gracias, Merci, Mahalo. There are so many ways to say “thank you,” and they all express gratitude for what you did or who you are. The writers, publisher and staff of Edmonds Living Local want to give our heartfelt thanks to the Edmonds community for helping us complete a successful first year.
Yes, this January issue marks one year of highlights of the Edmonds city calendar. We reported what was out there, and you responded with gusto, attending and participating in everything from the Clothes for Kids Campaign to the Sam Beckett 5K run. And we learned right along with you about the need for defibrillators at every school. The Nick-of-Time Foundation has thrived with your generous donations and has nearly reached that goal. We also reluctantly realized that many children in our school district are homeless and hungry. Groups such as The Nourishing Network and Kids in Transition showed us that a caring community can make an immediate difference in young lives. They work behind the scenes to ensure that every day needy school children will have the food they need to learn and play.
We did a number of stories on our military community and supporting the returning veteran with practical, emotional and financial strategies. Only by focusing on this ongoing need can we hope to feel confident that the men and women who fought for our freedom can achieve a gracious and supportive homecoming. VAPP.com is the website which offers the veteran a simple and direct route to available resources, developed by veterans for veterans.
Edmonds is a city that is thriving with the vitality and energy that new businesses provide. Dozens of new places opened this year alone. And some of our old favorites remodeled and expanded. We attempted to share it all with you. The iconic building that once housed antiques became the first art museum in Snohomish County. The Cascadia Art Museum brings visitors from all over to see the artwork of northwest artists of the 1900s.
When it comes to the many unique events that occur in Edmonds annually, our magazine let you know with photographs and stories so that you had time to plan to attend. Whether it was a concert, a play or the flower tour, we brought it all to you in Edmonds Living Local.
As a monthly publication that is full of stories that are inspiring, informative and heartwarming, Edmonds Living Local prides itself on being full of good news. We provide local business owners an opportunity to educate the readers about their business. We highlight the good things that are happening right here in Edmonds that are making a difference in our community and beyond. We recognize the young people in the community who are accomplishing great things.
Sometimes it takes an “outsider's” eye to see objectively and record the events of such an eclectic community like Edmonds. We have tried to be your reporters this year. We would like to hear from you. Did we bring you interesting and motivating stories? Do you have suggestions for next year? We value your input; this publication is about your community and the lives of your neighbors. We are looking forward to 2016!