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Dudes and Dolls

Where can you hold hands with a different cowboy all night long? And if that doesn’t get your heart rate up, the dancing will!

Experts say you are supposed to exercise for 150 minutes per week. But even the dedicated runners, bikers and walkers get discouraged with Seattle’s rainy season. Experts also tell us we must keep our brain active if we are to ward off signs of dementia. So, you could get out Sudoku or the crossword puzzle to get those “little gray cells” working. But what’s even better is to listen to the square dance caller, telling you to “do-si-do,” or “allemande.” Here’s a chance to get your brain working (which ”left” did he mean?) and while you are working that out, the country music plays on, and now he’s telling you to “bow-to-your-corner!” Yes, I’m talking about square dancing.

This is great fun, and currently enjoying a real revival in the schools and community. Can you remember learning reels in the fifth grade? Well, this is an extension of folk music and barn dances. Parks and recreation organizations now offer classes to young and old. Some square dancing clubs go to elementary and high schools to demonstrate their skills and get the youngsters involved. They really have a lot of fun with square dancing because it’s still boys and girls together but not as regimented as learning to waltz. The kids are happy to learn something that a lot of adults don’t know. And they “whoop” it up and swing their partners just like the “pros” do.

Those brain cells will get a workout right along with the dancing because you must be a good listener, even anticipating the next move of feet and hands. And the music is great too, the rousing country/Western theme gets your feet stomping and your hands clapping. So, even if you decide to take a breather between sets, you’ll still be clapping, stomping and yelling, “Yahoo!”

Dressing the part is half the fun. The guys (and gals too) wear snap-down plaid shirts, jeans and boots, of course. When you get really good, your dance club will form teams and compete with other groups. That’s when you wear the big full skirts, girls, or even coordinated, his-and-her outfits. In competitions, teams are judged on skills involving footwork, timing and a “flair” for the music. Square dance clubs often put on an exhibition at fairs and parades where they always receive an enthusiastic response. Then, they pass out the particulars of how you can join them.

Dudes and Dolls is the Square Dancing Club of Lynnwood, and they meet at the Cedar Valley Grange Hall on 52nd St. They welcome new members, and even provide lessons for beginners.

Watch for details about the next session of lessons around late August. For information on their upcoming dances, go to

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