Affordable Backyard Makeovers

Fire pits - The outdoor season is something we try to extend as long as possible. But chilly nights don’t mean they have to end. You can cozy up around an outdoor fire pit. There are many affordable and portable types available, including ones with an open flame or those covered with mesh to keep the sparks from flying and keep the kids safe. There are also gas powered or wood burning ones depending upon what you desire. So grab some marshmallows, a warm blanket and start the season early and extend it as long as possible!
Lighting - It can make a world of difference in your outdoor living space. Whether it is deck lighting to add ambiance or lighting along a path to make it safer, lighting can add much to your outdoor living space. Low-voltage LED light fixtures run on 12-volt current that’s much safer than regular 120-volt household current, making installation DIY-friendly. You can also use string lights, which offer both versatility and style. They can be found in many styles and sizes, and you can even change up the colors with the season! It’s a great way to add some festivity to your outdoor lighting!
Patio Furniture - There are several factors to consider when choosing your outdoor patio furniture. You will want to be sure to choose weather resistant furniture. If you have a small area, you may want to think about incorporating benches on your deck to provide more seating space. If you are one who likes to change things up for different occasions, consider choosing a monochromatic theme so you can accessorize and change things up with different pillows and other accessories.
Hot Tubs - What better way to relax after a long day than in your own backyard hot tub? There are many options available when it comes to hot tubs and, depending on your needs, you will want to plan before making a quick decision. The first thing to decide is how many people you would like your hot tub to seat. Will you use it for entertaining guests or just for you and your family? Secondly, when deciding where to place your spa, get a perspective of the space, accessibility for the users and proximity to the electrical source. You will also want to consider the privacy and view desired.
Outdoor Dining – Dining alfresco. It’s a time of gathering together family and friends and escaping from your daily routine. There are some things to consider when setting up your outdoor dining area. Will you need shelter from the late afternoon and early evening sun? There are ways to achieve this without spending a lot of money. Take a piece of fabric to create your own canopy, changing it up as the seasons change. To provide ambiance to your outdoor dining experience, utilize tabletop tabletop lanterns and even provide some fresh cut flowers from the garden.
Fountains – The sound of water can be very soothing. Outdoor fountains are becoming increasingly popular and not just to add a sense of peace and serenity to your outdoor living, but to also block out the noise of neighbors, traffic and more. There are many options available for all budgets ranging from plug-in units to custom designs that become the focal point of your outdoor experience. You will want to keep in mind that the further the flowing water travels, the louder the sound becomes. The good news is that all fountains have a recirculating pump, so be sure to get an adjustable one so you can find the level that is right for you!
Creating a Path – While many may think of a garden path as a functional piece of a landscape design, the truth is they can completely transform the aesthetic value of your garden or outdoor passage. Be creative in your design and have fun with it! There are a multitude of materials from which to choose including giant rocks, bricks and wood planks. If your path winds its way through your garden, consider complementing the colors of the flower arrangements in those gardens. There are many DIY options out there so research what will best fit your budget and taste!
Pick Your Palette – Experts advise that to make a space look good without much risk, it is wise to use darker colors for the floor, medium colors for the walls and lighter ones for the ceiling – basically replicating the outdoor environment. When choosing colors from a color wheel, those next to one another on the color wheel such as blue and green, are more casual and relaxing and work best in private spaces, such as your bedroom. Another word of advice is to divide the colors in your interior space into components of 60/30/10. The wall color representing the dominant color, the furniture upholstery the 30 percent and the accessories the 10 percent.
Choosing Your Interior Theme – You want your home to be a reflection of who you are. Are you traditional? Do you like the “cottage” look of distressed finishes and vintage accessories? Or are you more modern and drawn to sleek lines and cool colors? If you are decorating a beach house or a lake front cabin, you may choose to decorate in a nautical theme. After choosing your “style,” decide if you would like to incorporate certain influences from around the world. French country? Tuscan? There are many possibilities. Finally choose your favorite colors. And remember, it is your living space and it should reflect you.
Hang It Up – That which you choose to hang on your walls, is an expression of who you are and allows you to be surrounded by your favorite pieces. According to interior designers, the following tips will help you achieve this while making sure the piece fits the space. When choosing art to hang, mirror the size of the wall. A long horizontal wall should have a piece that is long and horizontal as well. And don’t be afraid to fill the wall either. Vary the texture of your pieces, whether it’s a photograph or canvas art, variety is good! Frames should also reflect the architecture of the room and complement the furniture. Lastly, consider lighting and glare when hanging that favorite piece of art.
Repurposed Furniture – Don’t throw it away! Find a way to put that older furniture to use! If you have old benches that are taking up space in the garage, sand them down, paint them and stack them on top of one another to make a fun and unique bookcase. Take that old chest that used to hold your blankets and turn it into a filing cabinet for your home office. That old door you were ready to take to the dump, paint it and turn it sideways for a unique headboard. Wondering what to do with those old window shutters? Hang them on the wall for the perfect organizer! The possibilities are endless. Before you throw out those things that you think are no longer useful, search the Internet for ideas on how to repurpose your old belongings into treasures!