Write On The Sound

Have you ever wanted to write the great American novel? Well, here’s your chance! Write On The Sound (WOTS) is the 31st annual gathering of writers and would-be authors, at the Frances Anderson Center, September 30 through October 2.
This much anticipated three-day event brings together successful authors who provide workshops and seminars to an eager audience. Absolutely every aspect of the writer's’ craft is explored in small workshops at an easy-to-understand pace. We all know our favorite authors have special techniques they use in character development, setting the scene and creating the plot. Here is the chance for one-on-one with the experts in all genres of writing, from science fiction to romance to fantasy and beyond. The selection of classes is truly eclectic, and you can sit in on as many as you like. The presenters are experts in their field, whether it is scene descriptions in a fairy tale or setting up a grisly murder mystery, you can get some great ideas here.
A great writer will spend time developing his or her characters, not only what and how they speak but also the nuances of their body language. The seminar experience led by these expert writers shows the audience how to use winning techniques to sell a story.
Several aspects of publication are also discussed at the WOTS event, from self-publishing to using a digital approach. There is even a seminar on the legal ramifications of submitting original work. Copyright protection, negotiating contracts and collaboration agreements are all explained in layman’s terms so you won’t run afoul of the law in your first writing efforts.
The WOTS conference faculty is composed of established authors, teachers and publishing professionals all respected for their ability to relate writing skills in a workshop context. One of the unique features of WOTS is that early on, for a small fee, you can submit a portion of your own work to the board. In return, you will receive a critique from a published author with real suggestions on how to proceed in the field.
Many attendees will want to be sure and catch the kick-off seminar on Friday, September 30. Margie Lawson is an accomplished author and editor with a background in psychology and group dynamics. Her presentation will give an overview on what to expect over the following two days. Titled “Deep Editing Power and Writing Fresh Body Language,” she explains techniques in writing for emotional impact.
With such an illustrious line-up of professionals and the vast selection of seminars, your early registration is essential. Joanne Otness, last year’s steering committee chair, cautions that the most popular sessions will fill up fast. The conference expects to host approximately 275 attendees. And, new this year, is the addition of a wait list. There are 23 sessions, and each seminar is 75 minutes long.
On Saturday afternoon there is a meet and greet with all the presenters in the Plaza Room of the Edmonds Library. The Edmonds Bookshop will have a representative in the back of the room with books by some of the authors. It is a great opportunity to get that personalized, autographed piece by one of the presenters that you admired.
For information and registration: www.writeonthesound.com or email wots@edmondswa.gov.