Spring Cleaning
Every year around this time we get a primal urge to have some sort of spring cleaning in our lives. The birds start singing, the daylight...
Visualize Success
A common approach to shifting our health habits is to focus on why a problem exists. We sit with family, a friend or counselor and...
Spring Cleaning Your Marriage
March promises renewal and hope. So how about “spring cleaning” your marriage? During the courtship, lovers talk about dreams and visions...
Step One
So here we are at that time of the year again. The interim space after the failed New Year’s resolution of getting healthy and the...
Creating Connection
Whether you are a teacher or a parent to a child or adolescent, connections are imperative in order for relationships to exist. You do...
Communication and Connection
Many parents get frustrated when their children don’t seem to listen to them. It is important to recognize that sometimes, as parents, we...
Stay Heart Healthy
February is American Heart Month and no nutrient is more associated with heart health than our dear friend, Fat. Fat tends to generate...
Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake
“Every place and in every day of living there are hazards, and people are very bad at sorting out what are the most dangerous.” That’s...
New Year, New You
It’s that time of year again and many of us are looking back at Thanksgiving feasts and holiday over-indulgences and vowing to ourselves...
The Young Bully
As the parent of a young child, you may believe you don’t have to worry about bullying at this stage of development; however, that may...