Getting Back to Basics...
If you can see it, you can be it. Abs are made in the kitchen. Getting back to basics. We’ve all heard these sayings and thought them to...
Win the Craving Battle
Cravings are a natural phenomena of life. Without these primal signals for nutrient needs, our species may cease to exist! There are a...
You Can't Out Train Bad Habits
Have you ever heard the saying “You can’t out train a bad diet?” I personally say it all the time. If we aren’t mindful of our diet, all...
What is Your Goal?
Every year millions of people make getting in shape their New Year’s resolution. It’s the “I’ll start Monday” mentality that we battle...
Mindful Eating
Eating mindfully means to be 100 percent conscious and aware of the foods we’re eating and why. It’s about being present with our food....
Positive Parenting
Children are constantly exploring and testing both the world and you to see what works and what doesn’t, learning what’s right and...
What Are the Best Running Shoes?
Shopping for running shoes can be challenging and confusing for runners of all ability levels and classes. It has become especially...
Staying Healthy in The New School Year
Fall always brings with it an interesting array of viruses, and children are especially susceptible to catching all kinds of things due...
Stress? Bring it On!
Stress. The name itself is synonymous with all negativity in our lives. We stress out about our kids, parents, work, school, traffic,...
Strong Today — Falls-free Tomorrow
Did you know that one in three older Americans falls every year? Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries for...